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Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is constituted by the Board of Directors of the Coalition for Greener Aircraft and is mandated to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight functions with respect to the financial reporting, external audit activities, risk management and internal controls of SA²GE. 

The members of the Audit Committee are: 


  • Ms. Suzanne Benoit, President and Chief Executive Officer of Aero Montreal, who has served as Chair of the Audit Committee since November 2016 

  • Mr. Houssam Alaouie, Director, Research and Development and Academic Relations, CAE 

  • Mr. Michel Dion, Senior Director, Innovation, Bell Textron Canada

Environmental Gains Committee

In a collaborative spirit, the Environmental Gains Committee was created to demonstrate the environmental gains generated by the technologies developed in SA²GE. Composed of one or two representative(s) per company at the head of a sub-project, its mandate is as follows:

  • establish a baseline reference as per ISO 14064,

  • share within its members the analytical methods used and to contribute to their evolution,

  • support the individual work of the partners with an active project and to contribute to the quality of the deliverables,

  • support the organization in the production of its own deliverables,

  • contribute to the emergence of an environmental vision for the Quebec aeronautics sector,

  • contribute in promoting the outreach of the SA²GE project.

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