Review of our event entitled "Fighting Climate Change - What Solutions for the Aeronautics Indu
On Friday, February 21, 2020, in collaboration with Aero Montréal, the third morning session of training offered by SA2GE's Environmental Gains Committee took place.
Inspired by the many actions for climate change that punctuated the year, the theme "Fighting Climate Change - What Solutions for Aeronautics Industry?" brought together 63 participants in downtown Montreal at the offices of Norton Rose Fulbright.
A Carbon Neutral Event
New this year: the event was intended to be carbon neutral. Some 28 trees will be planted to compensate for the greenhouse gases produced by the participants' travel:

1 The same person may have used more than one means of transport.
Miguel F. Garcia Claro, member of the Environmental Gains Committee and specialist in Ecodesign and Environmental Affairs at Bombardier, and Charlotte Laramée, Director, Development at Aéro Montréal, kicked off the session with their welcoming and opening speeches.
Caption: (from left to right) Mr. Miguel F. Garcia Claro and Ms. Charlotte Laramée
In the past few years, the aeronautical industry has been implementing various means to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. Efforts are being made at all levels of the aircraft life cycle, from the design to recovery through operations. We have witnessed remarkable examples through SA2GE events, but efforts must continue in order to meet the objectives set by ICAO and the Paris Agreement. All parties in the supply chain need to be involved, even SMEs, which sometimes see themselves only as build-to-print. They can have a positive impact with simple actions such as eco-energy management of their activities.
First Conference - Maturation of the Zinc-Nickel Electroplating Process for Cadmium Replacement - From TRL4 to Production
Since 2010, the work that has been carried out in SA2GE has been aimed to develop smarter, more efficient and effective technologies, while reducing the environmental footprint of the aeronautics sector. The training session began with a technical conference covering the maturation of the zinc-nickel electroplating process as a replacement for cadmium - from TRL4 to production. Presented by Mr. Paul Mosser, Materials and Process Specialist at Héroux Devtek, this conference discussed the concrete results of work carried out as part of SA2GE Phase 1. Three aspects were discussed: development, implementation and maturation of this new process.
As shown by the satisfaction survey completed a few days after the event, the participants particularly appreciated the exemplary popularization demonstrated by the speaker.
Caption (from left to right): Mr. Paul Mosser, Materials and Process Specialist at Héroux Devtek and the question period that followed
Second Conference - Identification of Credible Ways for a Large Canadian Final Emitter to be Carbon Neutral in Quebec

Mr. Patrick Faubert, a research professor under the Eco-Council Chair and the Centre de recherche sur la boréalie of the Department of Basic Sciences at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, began by outlining the facts about global warming. He then moved on to identify credible ways for a large Canadian final emitter to become carbon neutral in Quebec. He continued with the contribution of the aeronautics industry to GHG emissions, concluding by exploring some possible solutions for the aeronautics industry regarding carbon neutrality.
The concrete examples given by Mr. Faubert particularly pleased the participants, who felt they had learned a lot from this presentation.
Caption: Dr. Patrick Faubert, research professor under the Eco-Council Chair and the Centre de recherche sur la boréalie of the Department of Basic Sciences of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Panel - What Solutions for Aeronautics?
Caption (from left to right): Hélène V. Gagnon, Stéfanie Rondou-Pontbriand, Isabelle Provost-Aubin, Patrick Faubert and Malek Kacem
Hosted by Mr. Malek Kacem, Project Manager at GARDN, a panel discussion was held to provide an opportunity for further reflection. Mrs Hélène V. Gagnon, Vice President, Public Affairs and Global Communications at CAE, and Stéfanie Rondou-Pontbriand, Manager, Air Emissions and Aircraft Noise at Air Canada, presented concrete actions underway in their companies to reduce their environmental footprint. Ms. Isabelle Provost-Aubin, a mechanical engineering student at McGill University, presented the perspective of the next generation. Finally, Mr. Patrick Faubert also took part in the panel by outlining some approaches to reduce the impact of greenhouse gas emissions by the aeronautics industry.
The training session concluded with the closing remarks of Mr. Mathieu Ferland, recently appointed Director of Transport and Sustainable Mobility at the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation. He is pleased to see the collaborative spirit that drives our sector, as well as the aeronautics industry's concern for the environment, both of which are reflected in a project such as SA2GE.
Participant Survey Results
Fifteen of the 17 survey respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with their morning session. These results were also reflected when participants were surveyed on each of the morning components. The level of satisfaction was particularly high with respect to the logistics of the event and its various components.
Good shots
The participants particularly appreciated the conference format followed by the panel discussion that allowed for the presentation of concrete technological and behavioural means to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. The diversity of the panel and the quality of their exchanges were highlighted.
Suggestions for Future Events
Several suggestions were made by respondents, including:
Carbon neutral solutions and normative reality
SA2GE project success stories
Concrete projects to reduce GHGs
Climate issues
Green financing for the aerospace sector
New generations of engines and batteries
Carbon neutral progress at CAE
Environmental challenges in the aerospace industry
Safety versus the environment
Projects and technological innovations in aeronautics electrification (airplanes, helicopters, drones, etc.).
Networking Break
Fifteen of the 17 respondents felt that the event allowed them to establish business contacts that would otherwise have been difficult to establish, which is precisely one of the objectives we aim to achieve through our events.
Caption: memories of the networking break
If you would like to participate in our next event, visit our website regularly or sign up for the Aero Montréal newsletter. We look forward to seeing you there!